Today (Dec. 2) is the LAST DAY to
order this custom shirt and support the pets at
PAWS who are waiting for their forever homes!!
Only available through Dec. 2nd.
For every shirt sold, Paws will get $6!! |
For every t-shirt sold, PAWS will receive $6, a very nice donation! We hoped to earn $300 from this sale, but we're not even half-way there... CAN YOU HELP?! (Hint: It would make a great holiday gift!)
The shirt was designed by Los Angeles-based artist Jane Mager and features a cat and pit bull snuggling. Very cute!
Both long- and short-sleeve styles are available.
Please share this and help us spread the word!
Today is the last day to order: purchase
Thank you on behalf of all the furry friends at PAWS!