Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring is Trying!

It's supposed to hit 60 degrees today! Of course, it's supposed to drop to about 20 degrees tonight. Go figure.

Here are a couple of pictures from the last storm that I never got to post. Thank goodness the warmer days have been allowing some of this stuff to melt off slowly, so our basement hasn't flooded! When you have snow up to your earlobes, you start to worry.

Here's to Spring!

The Brady Bunch says "Hi!"

Yeah, it's cute when you're not the little dog.

"It's not so deep under the big tree!"    "Pipe down, kid. This is our secret."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

StubbyDog is Here!

They've launched their site! I'm soooo excited. And now, the reinvention of the pit bull begins!

If you love pit bulls, you'll LOVE StubbyDog. Take a look at their site. Soak in the beauty of these dogs. Read some of their stories. Get educated, and don't forget to check out Stubby's Blog!

Help destroy the stereotype that surrounds these beautiful creatures. As StubbyDog says, "Rediscover the Pit Bull"!

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's a DEAD HEAT! We Need Your Help!

This crazy contest is aging me well before my time. But... we're neck-and-neck with another competitor, and WE NEED YOUR VOTE daily through this Sunday! We just know we can do this!

So I’m shamelessly begging everyone again - yes, AGAIN! I'm sorry, but do you know how many spay/neuter operations Paws could get for $5,000? :)

If you would, will you vote for Oliver’s story and leave a comment for him? Please vote daily through Sunday!

Again, if our story wins, Paws automatically gets one half of the prize whether it’s the grand prize of $10,000 or one of the $500 runner-up prizes.

If you haven’t registered yet, it’s easy, just use the registration button at the top right corner. Stories are open for comment and voting through February 13th. Please tell friends and family!

Thank you all so much!
Cindy & Oliver

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I just found out that people now have to go in and VOTE for their favorite story. YES, they changed the rules, and I'm not happy! Just to make it more annoying, people can vote daily. What are the odds that we'll win this after all?! 

I mean, you can't just change the rules of a contest halfway through AND NOT TELL ANYONE! That's right, I just happened to check the page and stumbled upon the fact that they tossed in this VOTING BIT. AND... AND... they rewrote the rules to include the voting. Voting was NOT part of the original contest rules! Really? Can they really do that?

Anyway. I must calm down.

So I’m pestering everyone again. If you're up for it, will you go back to Oliver’s story and place a vote for him? Of course, we understand if you're just fed up from me bothering you so much! And if you want to vote daily, well, we can't stop you... ;)

Again, if our story wins, Paws automatically gets one half of the prize whether it’s the grand prize of $10,000 or one of the $500 runner-up prizes.    

If you haven’t registered yet, it’s easy, just use the registration button at the top right corner. Stories are open for comment and voting through February 13th. Please tell friends and family!

Thank you all so much!

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