Saturday, January 28, 2012

rumpydog Features PAWS Volunteer! (Part 2)

It's here, Part 2 of rumpydog's interview,  featuring... me!

I'm so excited that Rumpy did these interviews to showcase the importance of volunteering. And we hope they help to ease any fears or preconceived notions people have about shelters. Read part 1 here, with a friend who volunteers on the feline side. I also hope you'll visit my other blog, ScratchMyBelly, which features the many dogs at PAWS.

If you're not familiar with Rumpy, he's a very handsome Malamute who was found wandering the streets when his human Jen rescued him. No one claimed this beautiful boy, so he's now happily living the high life with Jen, another rescued dog DeDe and several rescued kitties. Rumpy has both a blog and a popular Facebook page. He's quite a character!

Enjoy the interviews!

Friday, January 27, 2012

rumpydog Features PAWS Volunteer! (Part 1)

I'm so excited because my good friend Kevin was interviewed by rumpydog today! Kevin talks about his experiences volunteering at PAWS, the shelter where I volunteer. He and his wife work with the cats and have been volunteering for years - they're absolutely terrific!

They also have a great and very popular blog called Animal Shelter Volunteer Life which focuses on the wonderful cats and kittens at PAWS. Check it out - the photography is beautiful, all taken by Kevin. 

Tomorrow's interview with Rumpy will be from a dog volunteer's perspective. Gosh... who can that be... :)

If you're not familiar with Rumpy, he's a very handsome Malamute who was found wandering the streets when his human Jen rescued him. No one claimed this beautiful boy, so he's now happily living the high life with Jen, another rescued dog DeDe and several rescued kitties. Rumpy has both a blog and a popular Facebook page. He's quite a character!

Enjoy the interview - we hope it encourages you to volunteer at a local shelter!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mr. Chewy - Rocks!

Recently, my pal Frankie told me about MrChewy, a website where you can purchase dog and cat food and treats, plus other supplies at great prices. Well, I was skeptical, because so many sites are out there touting the same claim of more for less. But...

I decided to check it out myself. I asked my assistant Lucy to bring up the MrChewy site (she's very good with her nose on the touchpad, much better than the other dogs in the house):

Let's enter... Okay, mom, got it!
Then, we looked up the price of the food we buy - Wellness Super5mix. We learned that it is $11.55 a bag less through MrChewy than at our local Petco!! If you're like us, and you buy at least two bags a month, this really adds up - to the tune of nearly $280 a year! That's quite a savings.

Now, with five dogs, there's nothing worse than running out of food. Do you know what it's like having five dogs look at you like you're a pork roast? It's not a good feeling.

Well, thanks to MrChewy, this will never happen again! Because... And this is the best part... MrChewy provides free shipping for orders over $49, and you can set up an automatic delivery schedule which you can adjust or cancel at any time.

Let's see... free shipping, set a schedule, save $11.55 a bag... What's to think about?! I set up an auto-delivery schedule for two bags every four weeks. Now, I don't have to worry about running out of food or making last minute trips to the store anymore. No more dogs looking at ME like I was dinner because their bowls were empty! More smiles on all faces!

 I {heart} MrChewy!
For my first order, I received an unexpected promotional discount of an extra $14.40. So, for my very first order with MrChewy, I saved $37.50! Hey, that's half a tank of gas... I'm a very happy doggy mom. Thanks, Frankie, for sharing this info with us!

Monday, January 16, 2012

I Really Am Comfy... Really

Sometimes, a lap is eclipsed by the tummy. But the smart dog makes do.

I really am comfortable... no, really, I'm fine.

Oliver won't give up an opportunity to lay on a lap, even if it's not in the most comfy of positions. He really is a silly dog.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Bit of Fabric; A Lot of Love

WHN at Dachsies with Moxie is organizing a very special quilt for Sandra of Houston Pittie Pack. Of course, Miss Charlie wanted to make sure part of her favorite blanket was included.

You have to understand that wherever this blanket is, Charlie will be. On the floor, on the bed, on the chair... Charlie will be there. It can be on the roof. No kidding, and we have a Dutch colonial - that's quite an angle.

Now, keeping in mind that Charlie definitely doesn't like to share her blanket with the other pooches in the house, it's very interesting how excited she was to share a piece of her blanket for this project.

Ahhh, I didn't want to sit on your stinky blanket anyway!

When I told Charlie about the quilt being made for Sandra, she couldn't wait. She grabbed the scissors, careful not to run with them, and begged me to cut a square to send to be included. Then, she followed me around with the square in her mouth until I finally mailed it off to WHN! What a pushy dog!

C'mon, ma, let's get this thing in the mail!
Needless to say, I'm very proud of this little girl with the funny ears.

Is that the postman? YAY!
We can't wait to see the finished product!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

We got an Award!

Our Most Handsome friend Teal'C has presented us with the Liebster Blog award. In German, this means Favorite Blog. Can you imagine! We're someone's favorite!

Teal'c is from Sydney, Australia, so he's romping the beaches and enjoying summer right now as we shiver from the cold in the middle of winter. Thank you, Teal'c for thinking of us for this award! It warms our heart!

My job is to pass this along to five other blogs with fewer than 200 readers. That's a tough one, since I love so many bloggers!!

Here are the rules:

1) Thank the blogger who gave you the award - Done!
2) Copy and paste the award to your blog - Done!
3) Pass the award to five bloggers with fewer than 200 readers; tell them by leaving a comment on their blog. Now, this is the hard part, whittling it down to just five, but here they are:

     1 - Daisy - a handsome little lady telling her wonderful stories from Australia!
     2 - Sagira - for making me so proud with such agility prowess!
     3 - Sarge - for keeping a smile on my face!
     4 - Tessa - for being such a dainty cutie patootie!
     5 - Stewey - because his smile makes me happy!

4) Now I hope these five bloggers will pass the award on to five more up-and-coming bloggers!! Let's keep this award going!

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