Teal'c is from Sydney, Australia, so he's romping the beaches and enjoying summer right now as we shiver from the cold in the middle of winter. Thank you, Teal'c for thinking of us for this award! It warms our heart!
My job is to pass this along to five other blogs with fewer than 200 readers. That's a tough one, since I love so many bloggers!!
Here are the rules:
1) Thank the blogger who gave you the award - Done!
2) Copy and paste the award to your blog - Done!
3) Pass the award to five bloggers with fewer than 200 readers; tell them by leaving a comment on their blog. Now, this is the hard part, whittling it down to just five, but here they are:
1 - Daisy - a handsome little lady telling her wonderful stories from Australia!
2 - Sagira - for making me so proud with such agility prowess!
3 - Sarge - for keeping a smile on my face!
4 - Tessa - for being such a dainty cutie patootie!
5 - Stewey - because his smile makes me happy!
4) Now I hope these five bloggers will pass the award on to five more up-and-coming bloggers!! Let's keep this award going!