Monday, November 15, 2010

DNA Mystery Continues

A few months back, I did a cheek swab DNA test on Oliver. The results were not what I had expected. At all.

I know I have a lovable mutt, but looking at him - and I know you can't just look at a dog and determine its breed(s), we know that a lot of problems have stemmed from that mistake! - I would bet the ranch on Rhodesian Ridgeback somewhere in his lineage.

Now, I know the cheek swab test isn't as accurate as the blood test. So when it came back with somewhat surprising results,  I thought of it as more of a funny conversation piece rather than Oliver's heritage written in stone.

And I set my sights on a MARS Wisdom Panel. Indeed, the Wisdom Panel would shed light on who Ollie really is; what makes his ears do weird, floppy things; why, when he barks, it's sort of a howl, sort of a - well - scream from the depths, like something out of a B horror flick. This is not a "Labrador/Rottweiler with a dash of Yorkie," and we were going to identify who Oliver really is!

Well, let me tell you. This "more accurate blood test" has got me wondering how many daddys little Ollie has. Seriously.

First, a little background to help you understand the results.

MARS breaks the breed make up into Significant, Intermediate, and Minor. If a Significant breed is detected, it means that at least 50% of the dog's DNA comes from that particular breed. If an Intermediate breed is detected, at least 25% of the dog's DNA is from that breed. If a Minor breed is detected, at least 12.5% of the dog's DNA is from that breed.


Banish the idea of Labrador or Rottweiler or Yorkie from your mind. Just forget about those breeds altogether. Not a drop of those pooches in Ollie, according to MARS. Not one single drop.

My little Oliver, King of All Mutts, is:

  • No Significant breed detected
  • Intermediate breed (25%): Dachshund
  • Minor breeds: Japanese Chin, Boxer, and Toy Poodle

I can see Dachshund in him at times, but Japanese Chin? Toy Poodle??

So now, when I get upset with him, I threaten to curl his hair and dye it pink.

Do Not Adopt Warning PLEASE CROSSPOST: Cathy Bradford aka Ruth Bradford aka Ruth Ann Bradford

Do Not Adopt Warning - Cathy Bradford aka Ruth Bradford aka Ruth Ann Bradford
by StubbyDog Project on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:57am
For Rescues, Shelters, and Private Adopters:

An indivdual going by the names: Cathy Bradford aka Ruth Bradford aka Ruth Ann Bradford has been attempting to adopt dogs, specifically pit bulls. She is suspected of selling dogs to labratories or for using in dog fights. Her husband is convicted dogfighter.

This individual is attempting to adopt from local shelters and private rescues in Missouri and Illinois, as well as contacting Pit Bull Rescue Central and applying for dogs w/PBRC's online adoption application

Description: She is about 5’4” white, on the heavier side, brown, curly (loose curls), shoulder length hair.
Approximately – 45 to 50 years old.

Bradford uses multiple addresses:
3205 cotton dodd rd. Cuba, MO
1488 Becker Road Cuba Mo 65453

She is willing to drive up to 200 miles (per her application) to pick up a dog.
She consistently lists other pets on her application, but the pets vary. Often she mentions having a Min Pin.
She also lists her husband, the dog fighter, as a resident of her home.

Please do not adopt to this woman or anyone at her address. Do not allow her to transport dogs. Please Cross Post.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Separated at Birth?

Separated at birth: Oliver and a red kangaroo joey, born at the Assiniboine Park Zoo. I see it in the eyes and cheeks, don't you? And, he jumps. A lot.

Lucy votes pleads for bringing Oliver to the zoo. And leaving him there.

Picture by Darlene Stack/Assiniboine Zoo

This picture is from a gallery of absolutely adorable baby animals featured in the Wired Science blog recently. They're promoting two new books of photos taken from the ZooBorns internet site, which, if you love animals, is as addictive as can be.
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