It was a gorgeous day for a walk, hot but not humid, nice breeze... I decided that Charlie and I would go for leisurely walk to the pond. So I doused myself in DDT (to keep those annoying little flies away), leashed up Charlie, and off we went.
Off we go! We don't have "real" sidewalks, just these weird
asphalt ones which aren't well-maintained. I guess they consider this "The Country"?! |
The regular route is closed because they're re-doing a bridge on our street. Very annoying!
So we had to go down the hill... |
The first time I walked Charlie, fire hydrants terrified her.
Now... "Piece of cake, mom!" |
One problem we have around here is poison ivy, lots of it. It makes a walk difficult
because the vines hang from the trees and the leaves dangle over the sidewalks.
I'm extremely allergic, so I keep my distance! |
Finally! The pond... It's currently overgrown with lily pads.
You can usually see Canada Geese, Mallards,
Blue Heron, egrets - lots of beautiful birds. None today! |
We took a rest when we got to the pond, but Charlie had too much
to sniff and check out! No resting for this girl! |
On the way back, it's ALL uphill. This photo doesn't give justice to
the "gentle" incline we faced. |
But wait! Is that Brad?! Maybe he'll give us a ride! |
...or not... |
Home, sweet (air conditioned) home!
I took a cold shower and Charlie - well, she took a nap! |